Protein Blog

5 reasons to be cautious about buying supplements from your gym trainer

When it comes to health and fitness, many of us seek guidance and support from professionals like gym trainers. These individuals play a crucial role in helping us achieve our fitness goals, offering advice on exercise routines, diet plans, and even supplements. However, while gym trainers can be valuable sources of knowledge, there are important considerations when it comes to purchasing supplements through them. In this blog, we will discuss five reasons why you should exercise caution before buying supplements from your gym trainer.   Conflict of Interest One significant concern when purchasing supplements from your gym trainer is the...

Top 5 summer foods to ward off the heat

Summers are here, and you, in all likelihood will consume ice creams, milkshakes, soft drinks, etc to ward off the heat. While these drinks and foods may provide some respite from the heat, these...

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5 foods to avoid before bedtime.

Sleep is one of the most important functions of the day, as it lets your body and mind relax and recover from a tiring day's work. An average human spends one-third of his or...

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Whey protein with milk or water? what does science say?

One of the most asked questions in every gym across the globe is whether you should be having your protein shake in milk or water. Most old-school bodybuilders swear by the results that they've...

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