White bread vs brown bread vs whole wheat - what's the truth.

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One of the most trending fitness and healthy options doing the rounds is to opt for brown bread, as many consider it to be healthy. We instinctively believe that white bread is unhealthy, which it is, but are highly mistaken to believe for a second that brown bread is any healthier.

White bread:

Many believe that the biggest problem with white bread is the fact that it is made using refined wheat flour, which if you have been following our page, you would know that it sits high on the glycemic index. Moreover, maida is stripped of all its bran, germ, and fiber, which means that you barely get any fiber, and since it is all carbohydrates without fiber, it will spike your blood sugar no sooner than it hits your gut.


Brown Bread:

Marketing companies have pulled a fast one on the masses, as they've forced almost everyone to believe that brown bread is healthier. In fact, they have made this so-called healthier option available at most food outlets. But if you take a close look at the ingredients, you will realize that the first ingredient used is refined wheat flour, which is nothing but maida. So where does brown bread get its color from? If you take a close look at the ingredients, then you will find ingredients such as caramel color, molasses, and or a compound called INS 150a, which is the technical name for brown food color.


Whole wheat bread:

Whole wheat bread is supposed to be the healthiest option among the above two, at least that's what brands want you to believe. These manufacturers prey on the fact that they know that customers will seldom pay any heed to the ingredients section and get away with fooling you. A quick look at the ingredients and you will notice that the first and largest ingredient used is maida. They only add a dash of whole wheat to pass the minimum requirement to call it whole wheat.

Unhealthy and outright dangerous:

Brands even pack unhealthy palm oils, preservatives, and sugar in their loaves of bread, call it healthy and somehow manage to get away with it. Moreover, many, if not all manufacturers use an ingredient called Improver 923, which is banned by the European Union, but according to manufacturers is somehow okay for Indian consumers. The story is no different with Multigrain bread, as the ingredients are more or less the same, with just a dash of a flour mix for it to qualify as healthy.


The healthiest option is at home:

You'll be surprised to know that the healthiest option among bread is actually at home and it is nothing but the good old chapati. Considering that you use whole wheat flour and not maida to prepare them, they are your best bet. Whole wheat chapatis are high in fiber and you have complete control over the ingredients.


So the next time you are out with friends and are presented with this so-called healthy bread, you'll know what to choose.

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