Dietary fiber and it's health benefits

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You might have frequently heard people advising “eat more fiber” or “include more fiber in your diet”? The very next minute you might have questions loaded in your mind like; what is fiber? What does it actually do? Why should we humans consume it? We have tried to address these queries below.

To stay healthy one needs healthy food and lifestyle. Food includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates that are easily broken and absorbed by the body. But fibers (which is also known as roughage) is not absorbed by the human body. It cannot be easily broken by the digestive system. It actually moves through your body and slows digestion process further helping in the easy bowel movements without causing constipation. Hence, it does one of the best functions to make your body healthy and regular. In addition, dietary fiber helps you to lose weight easily and keeps you active and lively for longer duration.

There are two types of fibers that a human body requires: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Both comes from flora (plant life) and are forms of carbohydrates. As the name suggests, soluble fibers easily gets dissolved in water. This type of fibers helps to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels. An insoluble fiber does not get dissolved in water; they promote the movement of food through digestive system easily by benefiting those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools.

Generally fruits, vegetables, grains etc are rich in dietary fiber. But is it possible to hunt all these fresh stuffs in the market and stay healthy in the middle of our hectic schedules? This is a situation that must be given a thought! In order to make this difficult task easy, we have consciously loaded our bars with a healthy dose of dietary fiber - all HYP Bars incorporate at least 5g of fiber per bar.

You can stock up on our freshly manufactured bars by ordering them online and enjoy these tasty bars that are rich in dietary fibers when your body is running out of energy. The bars incorporate a fantastic amino acid profile and dietary fibers that are essential for your body. So in case you couldn’t lay your hands on healthy food on time, don’t worry! HYP Bars are just a click away. What are you still contemplating at? Rush to our shop and relish all the available tasty bars and stay fit. You are sure to feel the difference.

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