Protein Blog

Top 5 foods andĀ beverages thatĀ diabetics must avoid

India is the diabetic capital of the world, and for good reason, as our foods are extremely high in carbohydrates, and low in protein and healthy fats. A diet rich in rice, bread, chapatis, and rotis, without much attention being given to protein sources has resulted in most India not only being protein-deficient but also insulin resistant. Since Diabetics are not only immune-compromised but are also prone to vision and renal issues, we've listed the top 5 foods and drinks that diabetics must avoid at all costs this summer. Soft drinks and Colas: One of the worst beverages that you...

Ranking the top 5 high glycemic index foods

We all want to stay healthy and prevent illnesses, for which, we either exercise, follow a healthy diet, or count calories while many are able to lose weight, there are certain foods that cause...

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