Protein Blog

Flavour-packed dal makhani - know your calories

A popular dish in the Northern parts of the country and one that has gained a lot of popularity all over is the iconic Punjabi dish known as Dal makhani. A mixture of various lentils, prepared in a tangy and creamy tomato gravy, with clarified butter (ghee), cream, and other delicate spices and herbs, this dish packs in the flavours and the calories. How many calories do we hear you ask? That's exactly what we'll be covering in today's Know-Your-Calories blog.   Ingredients: As always, we analyze the ingredients first, and the primary ingredient here is urad dal. While urad...

Veg kadhai-know your calories

One of the most popular dishes served in restaurants across the country, veg kadhai is a mixure of various vegetables, cooked in a creamy and tangy tomato and onion gravy, and best served with naan,...

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Piping hot instant noodles - know your calories

One of the most popular snack and meal options across the country and served in almost every household is is a bowl of piping hot instant noodles, given the fact that it is economical, can be...

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Crispy fried chicken drumsticks - know your calories

One of the most popular foods across the globe and an American specialty, crispy fried chicken was an instant hit no sooner it hit the Indian shores. Deep-fried chicken drumsticks marinated in buttermilk, spices,...

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Good fats v/s bad fats; what’s the truth

There has been a lot of confusion surrounding fats about which ones are good for you and which ones aren't.

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Know your calories - bhujia sev

As new year’s eve draws to a close, social gatherings are bound to be planned. While social gatherings such as house parties may or may not include alcohol, but snacks such as bhujia sev...

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