Protein Blog

The importane of rest days in your fitness journey

Embarking on a fitness journey often brings with it a surge of enthusiasm and motivation. However, in the eagerness to achieve fitness goals, the significance of incorporating rest days into your routine can be underestimated. Understanding the importance of rest days is crucial for sustaining long-term progress and overall well-being. Here are five points highlighting why giving your body the time to recover is an essential aspect of any successful fitness regimen. Muscle Repair and Growth Rest days are not synonymous with inactivity; rather, they provide a strategic pause in intense training. During high-intensity workouts, micro-tears occur in muscle fibers....

Mass gainers and why they are a money waste

The supplement industry is loaded with useless products that seldom help you achieve what they claim. Supplements such as mass and weight gainers are directed towards a target audience that is new to the...

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Busting the top 5 fitness myths

In today's day and age, millions of people have been forced into taking their health and well-being seriously, which has resulted in people making healthier lifestyle changes. Due to the dearth of information available...

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Why you should stop giving "health drinks" to your kids

  Health drinks that are doing more harm than good to your kids. Health drinks are extremely popular in India, especially among parents who want to provide their kids with the best nutrition possible....

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Nopey nope fitness myths – part 1

#1 - I'd like to work out but I don't want to look too jacked, you know like that guy on the poster (Points to Ronnie Coleman pic on the gym wall). Good luck....

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