5 reasons why crash diets are a bad idea

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Crash diets are all the rave and they've gained popularity because either it promises to yield instant results, or its followed by a favourite actor or sports athlete who swears by the diet. But crash diets for the everyday person are a big no, as they do nothing but set you up for failure. So why are crash diets bad for you and why you should steer clear of them? Today's blog will help you get a sense of clarity.

They have a low success rate:

Crash diets are extreme, and force the person to either go into an extreme caloric deficit, force you to avoid certain foods while leaving you feeling hungry and low on energy throughout the day. This can cause extreme stress and mental fatigue, thus forcing the individual to fall off the wagon and get back to eating unhealthy.

One size doesn't fit all:

Crash diets often employ a standard protocol for everyone and that is a recipe for disaster. There is a wide range of diets from paleo, keto, carnivore, etc diets that are extreme and do not let you live your life as you should. These diets force individuals to exclude certain macros and increase the intake of other macronutrients, which can cause hormonal imbalances.

Can cause extreme mental fatigue:

Imagine going out with family and friends and not being able to eat and dine with them. While that may be possible once or twice, doing the same repeatedly can cause anxiety, and stress and will force you into questioning your choices. Given the fact that there are other healthier and more effective options, it is unnecessary to go to such extreme lengths to achieve results.

Weight loss or water loss?

Let's face it, weight loss and water loss aren't the same things. Weight loss should be strictly fat loss and nothing else. However, most of these crash diets result in nothing more than water loss, since they are usually low in sodium. This results in water loss, which can mislead one into believing that it is fat loss. Also, low-sodium diets result in dehydration, and fatigue and can cause serious health conditions such as low blood pressure if left untreated.

Slower metabolism:

While you may think that going on an extreme caloric cut will result in weight loss, our bodies are much smarter than you think. If the human body repeatedly receives fewer calories, it gets into survival mode and automatically reduces its metabolic rate in order to just survive. Then when you start eating “normally” again, the body has already set itself to a lower level of calorie burning, so you gain the weight back faster than you took it off.

Crash diets promise a lot, but deliver very little. Moreover, we have repeatedly stated that Rome wasn't built in a day, and trying to employ shortcuts will only hinder and hamper your fitness goals.

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