5 tips to stay fit during the festive season

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Festivals and Fitness

Let's face it, any Indian festival is incomplete without lip-smacking delicacies, spicy and tangy snacks, and those mouth-watering desserts. If you are someone who follows fitness nutrition throughout the year or are particular about your diet, then chances are that you would want to let loose for a few days and gorge on these oh-so-tempting desserts, and rightly so. However, we have identified the areas where you may falter and have shortlisted 5 things that you should watch out for during this festive season, that will help your fitness goals stay on track.

Count the liquid calories:

The biggest problem with liquid calories is that it's hard to keep a track of them and they are easily over-consumed. The biggest problem with soft drinks and beverages is that they come packed with a ton of sugar and are nothing but empty calories. If given an option, it's better to opt for the diet or low sugar variant beverages or limit yourself to one glass of a beverage if you must.

Reduce sugar and refined flour packed foods:

If you've been following our blogs then you would've known by now that we at HYP aren't fans of highly refined foods. Refined sugars and flours are high on the glycemic index that can cause fatty liver and an insulin spike. Sweets that are coated with silver are usually contaminated with aluminum that put immense strain on your kidneys and liver, besides depleting your bones of calcium. If you must consume sweets, then opt for healthier options such as HYP Protein bars, HYP Protein Cookies, or sweets that are sweetened with stevia or dates.

Keep yourself hydrated:

Believe it or not, but consuming sufficient water will prevent you from gaining too much weight during the festive season. Not only do the sugary sweets and soft drinks dehydrate you, but your body ends up needing to detox the liver, for which it needs water. Besides, consuming sufficient water throughout the day will help you feel full and will prevent you from overeating on those unhealthy snacks.

Go easy on deep-fried foods:

Deep-fried foods are tasty for a reason, as they are packed with fats and they derive most of their flavour from this. Fats per se aren't bad, but chances are that your local eatery isn't using the best quality oil available in the market and even if he is, chances are that he is reusing it multiple times, making them extremely unhealthy and potentially carcinogenic.

Get sufficient rest:

The single most overlooked factor during the festive season is taking the time out to rest. We get it! You need to clean and decorate your homes, prepare sweets and delicious meals, entertain guests, then remove the decorations and lightings and whatnot. However, it's important to make time for your body to recover. As mentioned in our previous blogs, lack of sleep spikes cortisol levels in the body, which then leads to weight gain. So make it a point to rest sufficiently and enjoy the festive season, rather than feeling stressed out.

So there you have it, the top 5 tips that should help you stay fit and healthy during this festive season. We at HYP would like to extend our wishes to one and all during this joyous season.

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