Smart changes to make your tea time snacking healthy

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Let's face it, we all enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee on a cold winter's day, or when it's raining outside, or for breakfast. We enjoy our hot beverage and many of us enjoy multiple cups of our favourite beverage throughout the day. While you may think that a few cups of tea or coffee in a day may not do you much harm, reality, however, couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

Many tea and coffee drinkers add spoonfuls of sugar, loading it with unwanted and empty calories. Also, many of us enjoy our cup of tea or coffee with snacks such as biscuits or savoury snacks, which are either loaded with sugar or are deep-fried savoury snacks.

So how do you make your tea time a healthy snack time?

The answer is pretty clear; you can substitute sugar with natural zero-calorie sweeteners such as Stevia or Monk Fruit sweetener, without having to compromise on the taste.

As a snack option, you can opt for HYP's protein cookies, that taste just as good as the store brought biscuits, if not better, with an added boost of protein. If you enjoy savory snacks, then HYP's savory protein cookies are the ideal snacking option for you. 

Not only are you getting a lower number of calories per serving, but you are also assured of getting a higher quality of calories in the form of complex carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, and protein per serving. Once you have incorporated these changes into your day-to-day eating, not only will you hit your health goals, but your energy levels will be stable throughout the day, whilst keeping you feeling satiated for extended periods. 

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