Protein Blog

Prawn curry - know your calories

Dive into the world of flavors with our "Know Your Calories" exploration of Prawn Curry. This coastal favorite not only delights the taste buds but also brings a nutritional richness to the table. Join us as we break down the ingredients and dissect the calorie components, revealing why Prawn Curry is more than just a culinary delight. Ingredients:Prawn curry, a delectable coastal delight, boasts a rich blend of flavors. The primary ingredients include succulent prawns, aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, and turmeric, along with coconut milk for a creamy texture. The curry also features garlic, ginger, tomatoes, and curry leaves,...

Soya chap - know your calories

Step into the world of nutrition as we unravel the intricacies of Soya Chap, a popular vegetarian delight cherished for its meaty texture and rich flavors. Crafted from soybean protein, wheat gluten, and an...

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The importane of rest days in your fitness journey

Embarking on a fitness journey often brings with it a surge of enthusiasm and motivation. However, in the eagerness to achieve fitness goals, the significance of incorporating rest days into your routine can be...

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Chicken subway - know your calories

Embarking on a nutritional journey often involves making informed choices about the food we consume. In this blog, we unravel the nutritional profile of the beloved Chicken Subway sandwich—a popular choice for those seeking...

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5 essential dos for fitness newbies

Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exhilarating and overwhelming, especially for gym newbies eager to embrace a healthier lifestyle. The gym environment can be intimidating but fear not! Here are five essential...

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Veg puff patties: know your calories

Veg puff patties, with their golden layers and flavorful filling, make for a tempting snack. In this blog, we'll unravel the nutritional composition of veg puff patties, exploring the calorie count, protein, fats, and...

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Decoding the delicious cheesecake: know your calories

Indulging in a slice of creamy cheesecake is a delightful experience, but being aware of its nutritional content can help you savor it responsibly. In this blog, we'll break down the key components of...

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